© 2021 Matt Thomas

Interview Whiteboard Coding


Live Coding

Steps for success!

  1. Gather requirements

  2. Break down problem

  3. Write pseudocode

  4. Code a solution

  5. Test the solution

  6. Consider changes

Gather Requirements

  • Asking too many questions is better than too few
  • Establish what your input and output is supposed to be
  • Find edge cases
  • Write out requirements
  • Establish programming language and expected structure
    • Run once "root" code
    • Function

The goal is the clarify the problem to the point that there are no more questions.

Break Down the Problem

  • Restate the key points

  • Establish the priorities of the problems



  • Don’t write out any code or syntax
  • Focus on structure
  • Just use plain old English, explain it to your Grandma.


Enter Value
If Value greater than 10
  Log "Your number is greater than 10"
If Value less than 10
  Log "Your number is less than 10"

Write a Solution

  • Write code! Finally!!!
  • Talk with your interviewer about what you are doing
  • Mistakes are okay! 
  • Syntax errors are NOT the end of the world!
  • Be sure to write neatly so your code can be read

If whiteboarding digitally, you should be able to drop code in a Chrome developer console and execute.


  • Walk through the steps of your code verbally, OUT LOUD.
  • Assign values your variables. Take us on an input’s journey!
  • Test edge cases

Consider changes

  • Review and fix any bugs

  • Discuss ways to improve


  • Do NOT search for the solution for your question.
  • The use of any AI tools is strictly prohibited!
  • You may use the curriculum or MDN as a reference for JavaScript.
  • A team member should present one section:
    • Requirements clarification & questions asked
    • Break down the problem
    • Present the pseudocode
    • Present the code
    • Run through/Test the code
  • The entire class will discuss improvements & enhancements.

Question 1

Write a JavaScript function that takes in two integers and returns their sum, unless the two integers are equal. If the two integers are equal, then return three times their sum.


sum2Integers(10, 20) // --> 30
sum2Integers(10, 10) // --> 60

Question 2

Write a JavaScript function that takes in integers and returns the integer with the highest value.

(Do NOT use Math.max()!!!)



findHighest(5, 8, 1) // --> 8
findHighest([4, 1, -3]) // --> 4

Take note of the argument data type options.
Choose one input data type, you don't have to handle both.

Question 3

Write a function that generates a random number between 0-10.

If the number is greater than 5, log “{number} is greater than five!”.

If it is less than 5, log "{number} is less than five!"


five() // --> 3 is less than five

Question 4

Write a function that counts the number of vowels in a string.

The vowels are "a", "e", "i", "o" & "u"


countVowels('hello') // --> 2
countVowels('why') // --> 0

Question 5

Write a function that determines if a string is a palindrome.

A palindrome is a string that is the same forward and backwards.


isPalindrome('racecar') // --> true
isPalindrome('table') // --> false

Question 6

Write a function that determines if a number is prime.


isPrime(11) // --> true
isPrime(6) // --> false

Question 7

Write a function that accepts 2 arguments:
student name and indeterminate number of test scores

The function should output the name, scores and the average of the scores.

The output should be grammatically correct.


avgTestScores('John', 95, 70, 87, 82)
// --> John took 4 tests, earning these score(s): 95, 70, 87 and 82.
// --> That's an average score of 83.5.

Bonus Exercise

Complete the Thanksgiving Holiday Dinner Exercise

Thanksgiving Holiday Dinner

Additional Interview Questions