Who is the target audience for the capstone project?
It's not you!
Mentors & Peers
Recruiters & Career Coaches
Hiring Managers
Ultimately the consumer of your product
What is an appropriate capstone project?
Determine what YOUR project will be.
Create a high level story you want tell with your project.
allows users to ask questions via chat during a talk and add resources to videos. "
"I want to create a web APPLICATION that...
Determine what pages you need and the content of each page.
What interactions will the user be required to do to use your web application.
Example: E-commerce Application
Now that you think you know what you want to create.
Start with pencil and paper or whiteboard, then if necessary create a digital version
Analog Tools:
Digital Tools:
Create your capstone repo (in a new folder) and add a docs folder.
Create a docs folder, add documentation in the form of markdown, images or PDFs.
Update your README.md file to link to your new project documentation.